Monday Meditation: Relax with these Raw Tiger Nut, Cacao & Coconut Treats

9D53B3F2-CD26-408F-8731-EA58B260A9E2When life is relatively calm, ie no family crises, and I find myself alone with no urgent tasks, I like to sit down and just let my mind wander where it will. I might close my eyes and just wait for my breathing to slow, or I watch the birds, or just take in my surroundings: the paintings, the family photos, the gentle flames of the woodburner.

When I am completely relaxed, I might get the urge to be creative. This can mean painting rocks, making cards, or even writing a letter – the old-fashioned way! But often, I like to bake or cook. It needs to be simple, quick, and not require that I keep several plates spinning at once, and definitely no interference.

Cooking on my own at leisure is a different experience from the pressure cooking of doing a meal with other bodies around and people requiring my attention or getting in my way. I like to be free to select whatever appeals, create something for my own pleasure and not have to be mindful of others’ pernickety tastes!

B2D4B8E0-1499-443E-962E-920F164433FEI rarely follow a recipe, or if I do, it’s more of a starting point that inspires a variation of the original, as with these no-added sugar energy balls. I fancied a little something with my cup of tea and didn’t really know what the result would be, but on looking in the cupboards I found some Tiger Nut Powder that needed using and remembered a recipe on The Tiger Nut Company Instagram page for Tiger Nut Macaroons by Eve Kalanik.

I used the general measurements, but made some substitutions: almond butter for the cashew, cacao nibs for the coconut chips and coconut water for the plain water in the original recipe. I also added some wild berry-flavoured supergreen powder.

These take literally seconds to make in the food processor and once in the fridge, by the time you’ve cleared up and put on the kettle, they are ready to eat.

It’s easy to make your own substitions so long as they’re like for like, but the texture or flavour will be different.

These easy raw treats are Vegan, Gluten-free and can be made Nut-free if you use Seed Butter. 

Please note: Tiger Nuts are Tubers, Not Nuts.


100g Tiger Nut Powder

45g Desiccated Coconut 

1 Tbsp Raw Cacao Nibs, for a bit of crunch

2 Tbsps Almond Butter 

A pinch of Pink Himalayan Salt

4g Vivolife ‘Thrive for Her’, Raw Green Superfood Powder, Wild Berry flavour

Approx. 4 Tbsps Coconut Water (or water or apple juice)

Pulse all ingredients except water for a few seconds. Add water and process for a couple of seconds to mix.

Scoop spoonfuls of the mix and roll into balls.

Makes about 10.

Place in the fridge to set.

Keep for days in an airtight container in the fridge and for a long time in the freezer if you can resist!

So much healthier and satisfying than a shop-bought biscuit or pastry to have with your afternoon cup of tea, and will give you a lift, making you more alert and energised without the inevitable slump afterwards.

The tea, by the way, is Pukka Herbs’ Licorice and Cinnamon. A perfect relaxing combination on your own or to share with a friend.


Copyright: Chris McGowan

My Guest Post: Vegan Gluten-free Wraps, Bread & Guacamole – as close as it gets to vegan fast food!

Some time ago, Esmé at kindly asked me to write a guest post and this is it! It’s not very Christmassy, I didn’t realise it would go out so near to Christmas, but at the same time it’s a review and recipe for vegan gluten-free fast-food which can be useful between the big feasts of Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve. I didn’t have room to mention the BeFree seeded sliced bread as I hadn’t tested it in time for the original post, but it was surprisingly fresh and easy to use for sandwiches. I kept it out, not in the freezer as I usually do, to see how long it would last and I was pleasantly surprised that on the fourth day I could still make a sandwich. Gluten-free breads usually go dry and break up very quickly. I have bought it again when there wasn’t time to make any, which I guess is an endorsement as I’ve never done that before.

The post also includes my recipe for Guacamole with Avocado, Coriander, Moringa & Chilli as well as a quinoa filling for the wraps. I hope you find it useful.

And if like me you hate supermarkets, maybe we can form a support group! Merry Christmas 🎄


Please meet our next Guest Chris McGowan @ pearsnotparsnipsdotcom giving us some insight as she put it in her own words, the Baffling World of Health and Nutrition!


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