Hanna’s Simple Turmeric Breakfast Pot

img_6137After I published my post on the health benefits of Turmeric, the super-supplement and the accompanying juice recipe, I was asked by a couple of people how else to make this important ingredient more palatable?

Later that evening, I saw Hanna Sillitoe’s recipe for Simple Turmeric Breakfast Pot (it would also be a lovely pudding, it has chia seeds, cacao and fruit in it). This seemed the best answer for those who don’t juice, here’s the Link.

Hanna has a great blog. We have been internet friends for quite a while now, we began juicing around the same time, when she was covered in psoriasis. She now has clear skin from juicing, healthy eating and exercising and inspired me when I developed a nasty skin condition. (See my post How I Juiced My Skin Clear).

I’ve tested a few of her recipes, they are mostly vegan, always gluten- and dairy-free and always work out well, but haven’t had chance to do this one, I wanted to get it out to you as soon as possible after my turmeric post.

Hanna is about to publish her first cookbook of healthy recipes in early 2017, do look out for it and have a look at her blog.

Copyright: Chris McGowan

11 thoughts on “Hanna’s Simple Turmeric Breakfast Pot

  1. I haven’t read the post you linked to, but apparently the essential ingredient in Tumeric is Curcumin, which should be consumed with black pepper (bioperine) for maximum digestive/health properties. Now I only know this because I give it to my dog…..but humans can do this too. If you have covered this already, just roll your eyes politely and carry on as you were! (and hello, btw…..)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Just took a look. I do have a packet of tumeric hot chocolate that has coconut milk in as well- does hide the taste a bit. Maybe I just need to get used to it!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You will do, just do it a little at a time ☺️ I left another suggestion on Hanna’s post – perhaps you could blend the turmeric/chia/milk element of the recipe?


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