In Case You Miss Me, I’ll Be Recovering From An Attack Of The Vapours…

Just a quick post to let you know I’ll be AWOL for a couple of weeks from this Wednesday, 16th November. I’m taking some personal time (as they say in American police dramas) to have some osteopathy and some rest and recuperation.

I enjoy Christmas but always feel the strain of the pre-Christmas period: I am already tired from making lists, cards, sorting out gifts and postage for overseas and trying to accommodate everyone’s visiting dates, which keep changing! However, I think I am also feeling the strain of the past year of referendum and election campaigns, of the general atmosphere pervading our world at the moment, plus concerns about family and friends who are dealing with their own challenges.

I need some time to refresh my spirit and prepare for the season ahead.

Besides all the above, HB is putting up shelves. This may not be earth-shattering news or normally require one to take to one’s bed with the exhaustion of it all, but it is Monday and this one shelf has been going up since Thursday! Battens are up and have undercoat on them, shelf has undercoat but is not up. It took 3 days of measuring and re-measuring before a hole was drilled.

We discussed and disagreed at every point because my eyes told me the shelf slopes down to the right, but his spirit level said it was straight. My eyes are always right. The battens went up, the shelf was laid on top. HB’s reaction? ‘It slopes to the right, doesn’t it?!’

So, all in all, a long road ahead before 4 shelves are in place and I’m going to need all my strength to cope!

I’ve scheduled some posts for while I’m away, but won’t be able to respond to comments for a while.

Take care of yourselves, I’ll be back!

Copyright: Chris McGowan

18 thoughts on “In Case You Miss Me, I’ll Be Recovering From An Attack Of The Vapours…

  1. It’s so tiring to always be right and wait for them to catch up 😜😂
    Take care Chris! Hope you come back refreshed with your palms itching 😄

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