Super Juicing Days 4 & 5: Beetroot & Snow!

Day 4 : Beetroot juice everywhere except in my tummy, and I was soooo hungry! Took us ages to clean up: after we took these photos, we lifted up the base to find red juice pouring out of the bottom like it had just had it’s jugular sliced!



Tip No. 1 for today: Make sure you tighten the lid properly!!

(The juice, Anti-Oxidant King, was lovely by the way. Pineapple, beetroot, mixed berries, banana, apple, spinach. Yum).

No further surprises on Day 4, but the temperature was dropping and I know that for many, doing a juice cleanse in January is a real challenge.

Cycling to and from work every day in icy weather and working in cold conditions can cause a rethink. I am fortunate in that I am in a warm environment, but even I am sitting with a hot water bottle on my knee!

Lots of herbal and fruit teas and hot water can help, but if you really begin to suffer then transitioning to light soups is recommended. Jason Vale’s Soup’n’Juice me plan is a good place to start.*

Tip No. 2:  Try not to jump right back in to eating starchy, fatty meals. Your digestion will suffer. 

Day 5: Our first dusting of snow!


It had begun to thaw by the time I took this. 

I am feeling good. No headaches at all this time. I am super-alert, my skin and hair look good and I also survived a visit to the dentist! I am keeping hydrated this time too. No cravings now. On Day 2 I would have given my right arm for an apple or some Brazil nuts – my usual morning snack!

After several juice cleanses, one thing I have learned is that I often can’t manage a whole serving of juice and I can’t go the full 3 hours between juices. So, if a juice is too much for me to consume all in one go, I divide them and have them more often, so every 2 hours or so rather than 3.

Tip No. 3: It is important to listen to your body.

I have lost another pound, making 3 so far. I am keeping an eye on my weight loss as I don’t need to lose any, having already lost 36lbs since I began juicing 2 years ago.

Tip No. 4:  if you want to do a juice cleanse for health reasons and don’t especially want or need to lose weight you can add ‘a little something’ to the juice in an easily digested form.

For instance, some Udo’s Choice Oil, or some ground up almonds or seeds. Yesterday, I added some homegrown mung bean sprouts that I didn’t want to waste. The extra ‘little something’ will help keep you feeling satisfied for longer too.

When I get into the juice plan and I get used to not eating whole foods, I have a tendency to forget my juice. When I am not having to think about meals or mealtimes, I become preoccupied with other things. I become involved, time passes and suddenly I am feeling light-headed. Blood sugar levels crash. Oops, missed a juice.

Tip No. 5: Remember to have your juice!

The next 2 days will be a bigger challenge I think because the temperature is set to plummet further and also because my body is used to beginning the transition after 5 days. But I am really looking forward to the Tahini Cocoa Beaney!


Copyright: Chris McGowan

2 thoughts on “Super Juicing Days 4 & 5: Beetroot & Snow!

  1. or did you over fill the blender? this happens to mine when i put too much in

    > On 15 January 2016 at 13:43 pearsnotparsnipsdotcom > wrote: > > thejuicenut posted: “Day 4 : Beetroot juice everywhere except in my tummy, > and I was soooo hungry! Took us ages to clean up: after we took these photos, > we lifted up the base to find red juice pouring out of the bottom like it had > just had it’s jugular sliced! Tip No. 1 for” >

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