Chilled Sweet Hemp Treats


Do you ever feel that slump of energy after a stressful morning or feel a craving for something sweet that doesn’t involve ingesting unmentionables or make you feel guilty for whatever reason? Do you have a sweet tooth that just won’t be assuaged by a banana or a smoothie? You have to try these Chilled Sweet Treats!

They are fizzing with energy, can be as sweet as you need and you won’t go on to eat half the batch and spoil lunch or dinner. They are satisfyingly sweet without leaving you craving more, unlike refined processed snacks.

These Treats have the nutty flavour and texture of Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds, Sweet Apricot Kernels and rolled oats as well as the sweetness of dates, raisins or other dried fruit such as apricots. Even my mum loved these and she doesn’t like dates or dried apricots.

So, without further ado, on with the music – what else, but James Bay busking ‘Craving’ in front of Sydney Opera House!– and out with the measuring cups.


1/3 Cup Sweet Apricot Kernels* – roughly ground

1/3 Cup Shelled Hemp Seeds* + a little for the topping

1 Cup Dried Fruit, I used a combination of Medjool Dates (chopped) and Raisins

1 Tbsp Maple Syrup (optional) or a little apple juice

1 Tsp Vanilla Extract

1 Tsp Cinnamon

1 Cup Gluten-Free Rolled Oats


Pulse the Sweet Apricot Kernels, Shelled Hemp Seeds and Dried Fruit a few times until they begin to combine.

Add the Maple Syrup (if using) or apple juice, Vanilla Extract and Cinnamon and process until all combined, forming a ball.

Mix in the oats until well blended in.

Line a baking tray with parchment

Break off small amounts of the mixture, roll into balls and then flatten out into thin circles and place on the try.


Sprinkle a few Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds on the middle of each circle and press in gently with the back of a teaspoon.

Place in the fridge until they firm up. They will also freeze. Open-freeze them first on a tray before placing them in a container.

Makes about 15, but I think 2 will be enough!



Copyright: Chris McGowan

5 thoughts on “Chilled Sweet Hemp Treats

    1. 😄 Hope you enjoy them, my mum won’t eat anything remotely different and if I told her what was in them she wouldn’t have tried them, but even she liked them, as did my husband who has a terribly sweet tooth.


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