5 lbs in 5 Days: Which Path Will You Take?


Congratulations! You’ve completed the 5 lbs in 5 Days Juice Challenge! How do you feel? Can you see the improvements in your hair, skin, eyes? Do you feel lighter, no bloating, flatter tummy? Are you sleeping better, do you have more energy? Are you more patient with those around you?

Reflect on how you feel for a few minutes and compare and contrast with how you felt before. Do you want to keep this spark, this sense of being really alive, of appreciation and gratitude; do you want to hold on to the pride you are now feeling, the self-esteem?

Well, then, you have a decision to make. Will you continue your plant-based regime, using whole fruits and veg, full of vitamins and minerals; wholegrains, nuts and seeds with their healthy oils, protein and B vitamins?

Will you continue to have at least one juice a day or perhaps have a couple of juice-only days a week?

Or will you travel down the slippery slope and find yourself back eating burgers or pizzas and processed sugary foods? Maybe your family don’t want you to continue? They may with good intentions be concerned about your protein or your calcium but sometimes, seeing you change can be unsettling for them. Perhaps you think you are being a spoilsport because your friends want you to go out for a drink and a takeaway? Or you’re not sure you have sufficient motivation on your own?

In my experience, no amount of talking, explaining or encouragement will win over the sceptics. What does win them over is leading by example.

People will look at you and think, wow, she is looking so healthy, her eyes sparkle, she is so much happier, how do I get to feel like that?

So how do you keep yourself on the path you have chosen? You may have just taken the first step or you may be rebooting after taking a detour. Try to surround yourself with like-minded friends. Keep following this or other plant-based blogs for reinforcement, tips and recipes. Maybe find a Facebook group or Twitter juicers/healthy eaters if your friends are not quite there yet.

Jason Vale* has several books and apps that provide motivation and recipes to help you keep on the straight and narrow. I have tried most of them and can recommend them. I use them often.

If possible, try to spend this weekend continuing to juice but have a large salad as your lunch or evening meal today.


Sit at the table, eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Appreciate all the flavours and textures. On Sunday, still juice and perhaps have a light soup or something like Stir-fry Veg With Ginger and Avocado (but omit the nuts this time).


If you eat fish, then steamed or baked salmon and steamed or baked veggies. Try not to over-eat, your eyes will probably be bigger than your stomach! Keep grains to a minimum to begin with, every other day, after the weekend. Ease back into eating wholefoods gradually, your digestion will appreciate it!

If you’re a parent of young children, just watching you juice every day will make it the norm and will go a long way in helping you to maintain your healthier lifestyle. Letting them choose the ingredients and help with the juicing will reap benefits in the long term. The 2 toddlers in our family are already avid juicers. (If they are very young, be sure to dilute it well). Introducing more fruit and veg by being creative or ingenious – or downright sneaky! – will provide more variety in their diet and keep them healthier. Spiralising is a great idea, such fun for kids to watch and test the results.


Replacing sugary ice lollies or ice-cream with real fruit frozen smoothie lollies or banana, cacao or peanut butter nice-cream will help wean them off so much refined sugar. Or look at the raw treats recipes on this or other blogs.

L to R: Sweet potato brownies, Grab yourself a slice of energy, home-made raw chocolate, Spicy Orange Fruit Balls, Go-Go Berry Fudge. 


For more help see I Feel Good- What Now?

You are Amazing! Keep it up!


Copyright: Chris McGowan

8 thoughts on “5 lbs in 5 Days: Which Path Will You Take?

  1. I did the 5 lbs in 5 days juice challenge because I was close to a weight loss goal and want to get to that goal sooner rather than later. I am excited that I lost 6 lbs this week. Two more pounds and I will have lost 100 pounds total. I drink at least one juice a day and eat mostly fruits and vegetables. I’m going to keep on keeping on until I reach my final goal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s excellent, but don’t stop altogether, the weight might creep back on and if you do a maintenance cleanse 3 or 4 times a year it should help keep you where you want to be both weight and health-wise. Jason does 4 challenges a year and I always do them too even though I am a regular juicer and don’t eat junk food. I always feel better for it and it keeps you motivated when doing it along with other people. ☺️


      1. I’m sure I will be juicing the rest of my life. I’m still a ways from my final goal, so I am going to keep on keeping on.
        I’ve been juicing about 4 years and have been participating in Jason’s juice challenges the last two. I see the next one is in July.


      2. Sorry, talk about teaching your grandmother to suck eggs! I thought you were a first time juicer but you’re a veteran compared to me 😄 I am full of admiration for your determination and stamina and I’m sure you will get where you want to be.


  2. Love it! I’ve been down that slippery slope of unhealthy eating many times….but it goes if you keep plugging away and keep seeing how amazingly better you feel!! xxx


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