Walnut & Banana Smoothie with Raw Chocolate Mulberry Chips

This is a really thick smoothie – you will definitely need a spoon! – so feel free to adjust the amount of liquid if you prefer it thinner. It is intended as a meal replacement.


Walnuts are a powerhouse of nutrients: protein, Vitamin E, B vitamins, healthy oils, fibre – good for the brain, good for the heart. Apricots contain iron and Vitamin A while Romaine, Quinoa, Sunflower and Hemp Seeds are also good sources of protein, Banana has potassium – also good for your heart – and Cacao, well, what doesn’t it have and what’s not to like?!

All ingredients are organic where possible.


Small Banana

4-5 Organic Dried Apricots, rinsed

1 Tbsp Quinoa Flakes

3 Large Romaine Leaves, washed and chopped

1 Tbsp Sunflower Seeds

1 Tbsp Raw Hemp Seeds*

1 Tbsp Raw Cacao Powder *

Handful Walnut Pieces or Halves

1 Tbsp Dried Mulberries*

1 Tbsp Raw Chocolate Mulberry Chips* to sprinkle on top

1 Small Glass Fresh Apple Juice + some filtered water if you want it a little thinner

Blend all except the extra Raw Chocolate Mulberry Chips, then sprinkle them on top. Sit back, relax and savour this raw chocolate smooth sensation!

This is for you, K! 😉

*from The Raw Chocolate Company

Copyright: Chris McGowan

6 thoughts on “Walnut & Banana Smoothie with Raw Chocolate Mulberry Chips

  1. Ahhh I like meal replacements. Especially those that involve chocolate. This will do nicely for breakfast, lunch AND dinner I think…..! 😀 And Sade…wow, she had/has a great voice. Wonder what she is doing now.

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